The disability service (SUH) of University of Clermont Auvergne & Associates supports disabled students throughout the course of their university life.
The SUH's articles of association stipulate as follows:
"The role of the SUH, for all the founding members of Clermont University, includes in particular:
welcoming and supporting students with disabilities in every aspect of university life,
helping to formulate and implement the disability policy in conjunction with the various entities and departments concerned."
The SUH supports all students with disabilities within the meaning of the French Law of 11 February 2005, regardless of the nature and extent of their disability.
The SUH was created by the former Clermont-Ferrand universities (Blaise Pascal University and the University of Auvergne) in 2002, for the primary purpose of supporting students with disabilities in all aspects of student life.
In January 2015, the SUH became part of University of Clermont Auvergne & Associates and its scope of action was extended to include the three other founding members of this research and higher education cluster: the Clermont-Ferrand Graduate School for Chemistry (ENSCCF), the French Institute of Mechanical Engineering (IFMA) and the Clermont-Ferrand School of Architecture.