
The M/P Graduate Track offers three Master's-level courses, with the possibility of continuing studies towards a university thesis: These courses are supported by several laboratories within the Institut des Sciences :
How to apply:
For admission to Master 1, applications must be submitted on the national "Mon Master" platform between 26 February and 24 March 2024.
For direct admission to a Master 2 programme, applications should be submitted via ecandidat:

Support for young researchers:

Support for Master's students wishing to pursue a phd
Each year, a number of students are selected for their academic excellence and are eligible for support from the GT of between €4,000 and €6,000 per year.

Application requirements :
  • Bachelor's degree
  • Bachelor's or Master's transcript
  • Curriculum vitae
  • E-mail from a person recommending the applicant
  • Letter of motivation (including motivation for research) 
You can submit your application via the following links:


If you encounter any difficulties, you can submit your application by email to

The IMAPP programme also has its own grants, more information here.
Doctoral grants
In line with the Graduate School's commitment to promoting integration into research, GT MP is funding six doctoral scholarships during the course of the programme. In 2024, it is already supporting the theses of two young researchers in maths/physics.

An international programme :

An international training programme: International Master on Advanced methods in Particle Physics
The IMAPP Master's degree is a joint programme between the universities of Dortmund (Germany), Bologna (Italy) and Clermont-Ferrand, enabling students to study for a semester in each of these cities. It is part of the European Erasmus Mundus programme.

For more information, click here
Organisation of conferences :
January 2022: presentations of the graduate track and the major areas of research carried out by the partner laboratories in the GT

January 2023: Modes and States in Quantum Optics: how to generate highly multimode entangled states in view of applications to Quantum Information Processing, Claude Fabre, Laboratoire Kastler Brossel professor emeritus Sorbonne University.

October 2023: Chern-Simons theory and quantum topology, Rinat Kashaev, Professor at the University of Geneva.

Comité de pilotage

Stéphane MONTEIL, Head of GT Maths-Physics
Sophie FOURNIER, Administrative Director, Institut des Sciences
Hacène DJELLOUT, Head of the Mathematics Master's programme
Julien DONINI, Head of the Universe and Particles course (Master PFA)
Frédérique BADAUD GARDY, Deputy Director of EUPI
Julien BICHON, Director of the Laboratoire de Mathématiques Blaise Pascal
Yanick HEURTEAUX, Director of the EDSF
Malou GIARD, Administrative manager, GT Maths-Physique
Dmitry SOLNYSHKOV, Lecturer-Researcher at the Institut Pascal 
Dominique PALLIN, Director of the Clermont Physics Laboratory 
Evelyne GIL, Director of the Institut Pascal 
Guillaume MALPUECH, CNRS Research Director at the Institut Pascal 
Laurent TRASSOUDAINE, Director of EUPI
Arnaud GUILLIN, Deputy Director of the Blaise Pascal Mathematics Laboratory
Patrice MALFREYT, Director of the Institut des Sciences
François MARTIN, Director of the Maths UFR
Nourddine AZZAOUI, Head of the Applied Maths and Statistics Master's programme
Pierre DISSEIX, Head of the Nanophysics course (Master PFA)